Literacy Webinars
Strengthening Foundational Skills - This series of webinars explores ways parents can build foundational skills in their children. We focus on a variety of skills, such as print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, high-frequency words, and fluency. Parents and caregivers learn practical, engaging strategies to implement with their children so they enter school ready to learn.
Helping Your Child Choose Engaging Books - This webinar explores how to help your child choose and read books they find captivating and engaging.
Developing Emotional Intelligence Through Books - This webinar explores parenting with emotional intelligence through the use of children’s literature.
Supporting Your Child as a Reader - This webinar explores how parents can reinforce strong reading habits and encourage a love of reading.
Supporting Your Child as a Writer - This webinar explores how parents can encourage their child to write independently & creatively with simple, engaging activities.
Fostering Critical Thinking Skills - This webinar explores strategies to build higher-level thinking skills through everyday conversation & activities.
Social Emotional Learning Webinars
Preventing Summer Slide: This webinar examines the effects of Summer Slide on student learning and explores a variety of effective ideas to combat this phenomenon.
Behavior Management Strategies - This webinar supports families in understanding, managing, and addressing children’s sometimes challenging behaviors with proactive techniques to promote positive behavior and reduce stress.
Fostering a Growth Mindset in Your Child - This webinar examines the benefits of reinforcing a growth mindset in order to motivate children and help them to reach their own goals.
Supporting Your Child through Life’s Challenges - This webinar guides parents in learning to step back and embrace their children’s failures as opportunities for growth.
Parenting with Emotional Intelligence - This webinar focuses on how families can connect with their children to find more peace and joy in their relationships. We touch upon strategies for strengthening the parent-child bond by being more intentional about acknowledging feelings, modeling positive behaviors, and strengthening communication.
Fostering Resilience Within Your Family - This webinar explores proactive strategies to nurture resilience in children and strengthen relationships within your family.
Helping Kids Deal with Fear & Anxiety - This webinar provides caregivers with techniques for helping their child manage fear by practicing self-awareness and self management.
Helping Siblings Get Along - This webinar focuses on ways to keep the peace between siblings and helping them learn to resolve conflicts.