PD Services
Full-day workshops
Multi-day coaching around a topic
Demonstration lessons
Curriculum planning with grade-level teams or individual teachers
One-to-one coaching sessions with teachers
After school study groups
Topics include, but are not limited to:​
small group strategy lessons
independent reading
read aloud
shared reading
writing workshop
reading workshop
analyzing reading/writing data
differentiating instruction
curating classroom libraries
utilizing mentor texts
Teacher Webinars
Fostering a Growth Mindset - This webinar examines the benefits of reinforcing a growth mindset in order to motivate students and help them to reach their own goals.
Embracing Life’s Challenges - This webinar guides teachers in learning to step back and embrace failures as opportunities for growth in themselves and in their students.
Windows & Mirrors in Children’s Literature - This webinar explores children’s literature as a tool for building empathy and understanding.
Teaching with Emotional Intelligence - This webinar explores strategies for strengthening the teacher-student relationship by being more intentional about acknowledging feelings, modeling positive behaviors, and strengthening communication.
Developing Emotional Intelligence in Students - This webinar explores teaching with emotional intelligence through the use of children’s literature.